Using Data to Improve Your Candidate Relationship Management Program

Lydia Sanchez
5 min readNov 13, 2023


Photo by mymind None on Unsplash

This blog shows how analyzing ATS and CRM data can reveal insights to optimize recruitment processes and candidate nurturing over time.

Candidate relationship management (CRM) is a critical piece of any successful recruitment strategy. While attracting top talent is important, nurturing candidates and keeping them engaged over the long run can pay major dividends. With the right CRM program in place, you gain a pipeline of potential hires who already know, like, and trust your organization.

However, having a CRM system is only part of the battle. To truly maximize its impact, you need to analyze the data from your applicant tracking system (ATS) and CRM over time. This insights-driven approach allows you to continuously improve your nurturing processes based on what’s really working.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how reviewing ATS and CRM data can provide valuable learnings to optimize your candidate relationship management.

Understand the Candidate Journey

One of the most important things you can glean from your systems is understanding the various stages of the candidate journey. By looking at metrics like application rates, screening outcomes, interview frequencies, and offer acceptance rates, you can map the typical path candidates take.

Or it could reveal nearly 30% of screened candidates fail to advance due to qualifications issues.

For example, your data may show it takes most candidates about a month from initial application to first interview. Or it could reveal nearly 30% of screened candidates fail to advance due to qualifications issues. Knowing these types of benchmarks allows you to identify inefficiencies or pinch points to address.

According to a 2021 survey by CareerBuilder, the average candidate journey is now over 2 months long. 67% of candidates report disengaging from a potential employer due to a lack of communication during the hiring process. By mapping your journey timeline through data analysis, you can ensure you are keeping candidates engaged.

You’ll also discover which stages see the most drop-off. For some, it’s getting candidates through the screening. For others, moving people from first interview to offer is toughest. Focusing CRM efforts like email campaigns or events on these critical junctures can stem attrition.

For example, your data may show a 50% drop-off rate between first and second interviews. Implementing a targeted email sequence after the first interview could reduce this significantly. One company saw a 15% increase in second interview attendance by sending a thank you email and mid-process update after the initial meeting.

For example, your data may show a 50% drop-off rate between first and second interviews.

Evaluate Nurture Campaign Performance

Of course, the real power in data is evaluating what types of campaigns and outreach actually work. Track open and clickthrough rates for different email sequences over time. Notice which content and formats tend to be most engaging.

Similarly, see how many people attend virtual vs in-person events. Check that attendants are subsequently more likely to progress in your funnel than non-attendants. This feedback tells you where to double down or change your approach.

According to OptinMonster, personalized email subject lines have open rates of 18.8% compared to 12.2% for generic subject lines. Segment your email lists based on candidate attributes and test customized subject lines to improve open rates.

For example, you may find career development-focused content gets more traction than job announcements alone. Or networking mixers see better turnout than info sessions. Leverage these learnings to optimize future CRM programming.

One company saw a 15% increase in second interview attendance by sending a thank you email and mid-process update after the initial meeting.

One company found event invites led to a 34% application rate from attendees compared to 11% for non-attendees. As a result, they doubled their event budget the next quarter.

A/B Test New Initiatives

Once you establish benchmarks, start using your systems for targeted A/B testing. Roll out slightly modified programs to subsets of candidates and potential applicants. Carefully track outcomes to identify true best practices.

You could test varying the timing of reminder emails after applications. Or compare incentives like webinar sign-up gifts. The opportunities are endless as long as you measure results. Over time, diligent testing leads to significant process refinements proven to move the needle.

According to Campaign Monitor, emails sent on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday have open rates 5–7% higher than other days. Try splitting your email lists and sending nurturing emails on different days to see which timing works best.

According to OptinMonster, personalized email subject lines have open rates of 18.8% compared to 12.2% for generic subject lines.

These are just a few ways your organization can gain actionable intelligence from recruitment data. With a data-driven mindset, continual self-analysis becomes the norm. And a best-in-class CRM program rooted in evidence-based strategies will foster long-term relationships yielding top talent for years to come.



Lydia Sanchez

Hello, I'm Lydia Sanchez, an enthusiastic writer driven by the transformative power of technology